Tom Dreibrodt M.A. 

Licensed NLP-Coach, certified Hypnosis-Coach, certified Stress-Burnout Trainer


Responsible for content, design, data privacy, and implementation:

Tom Dreibrodt M.A. 

Ravensberger Str. 4

47259 Duisburg

phone: 0170 - 28 22 050


Deutsche Bank Duisburg

IBAN: DE33350700240454442501


Tax identification number: 109 / 5042 / 1486

Text acknowledgment: Tom Dreibrodt.

Image / Photo credits: Tom Dreibrodt / Canva

The contents of this website are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Parts of this website may include images and texts that are subject to the copyright of third parties. Copyright notices are indicated in such cases. Information on this website, including images and texts, may not, unless expressly stated otherwise, be reproduced, transferred, distributed, or stored without the written permission of the publisher. Modification of the content of this website is expressly prohibited. Violations will be prosecuted under criminal law.


Coaching does not replace medical diagnosis or treatment by a physician. Coaching is not a substitute for psychotherapy.

During coaching, no medical diagnosis is made, nor any corresponding treatment performed. There are no promises of healing.

If you are undergoing medical or psychotherapeutic treatment or taking medication, please consult your treating physician or psychiatrist before the first coaching session.

Contact form

Tom Dreibrodt M.A. - Ravensberger Str. 4 - 47259 Duisburg - 0170 28 22 050  - Termine nach Vereinbarung


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